Date Yourself

Get Over Your Ex and Heal Your Heart In 3 Months.
Starting October 14th 2024

You want to move on…

But you can’t stop wondering if you would still be together if you had done something differently.

You try to get yourself to “just move on” but you just can’t seem to let go. You keep thinking about them, beating yourself up, and blaming yourself for things that happened in the relationship.

You can’t help but wonder what your ex is up to. If they’ve gotten over you already, move on to someone else, or are having the time of their life.

You wonder why you always end up in relationships like this.

And you don’t want to feel like this anymore.
You don’t want to be stuck in this loop anymore.

So, you head to Google and type in…

“How to get over your ex”

“How to stop thinking about your ex”

“How to move on from an ex”

You read columns of outdated advice telling you “it just takes time” or “to get under someone else” or “to distract yourself”

And none of that helps you.
You go to friends…and they tell you the same thing.

Let’s face it- most breakup advice out there is crap. It’s BS. 

Heartbreak is SUCH a universal experience- yet there are so few resources on how to actually handle it when it happens. 

Stalked your ex’s Instagram, blocked them, then created a burner account to stalk them again after letting curiosity get the better of you.

Begged them to stay in the relationship with you- even if they treated you poorly. Even if they cheated on you. Even if you knew you weren’t compatible.

Told yourself that you’d never talk to them again, only to go over to their house because they wanted to ‘talk’, sleep with them, and then wake up the next morning to them telling you they still don’t want to be with you.

Driven by their house late at night to see if there is somebody else’s car there.

Tried to hack into their phone to see if they were cheating on you .

I’ve coached over a 100 people through break-ups. You aren’t the only one who…

You’re also not the only one who…

Feels afraid to open up and be vulnerable in future relationships because of what happened in this one.

Is afraid of people being mad at them so you always try to make other people happy.

Is still hopeful that you will get back together.

“Firstly, Lucy’s brilliant. I cannot explain how much of a gift she is to the universe: she is a natural at connecting and truly understanding her clients while delivering the skills in such an effective and beautiful way. Lucy is the best coach I could ever ask for. She understands my story and offers an invaluable amount of skills, insight, and wisdom. She has helped me become so much more confident and loving towards myself…” - Erin O. Client Testimonial

This is why I created Date Yourself.

I saw how many people were struggling with breakups, relationship anxiety, and self-love but didn’t have the resources, support, and accountability to help.

Date Yourself is a group coaching program where not only do you have access to modules to learn the skills you need to get over your ex, heal from heartbreak, and create healthy relationships- but you also get a network of people who are walking along side you.

People who are on the same journey, who will celebrate you and cheer you on.

As well as me as your coach who will be able to coach you directly on your unique situation, give you solutions, and hold you accountable for the change you want to see in your life.

Could you imagine if in
3 months it was all different?

You no longer wake up every morning thinking of your ex.

You aren’t afraid of past patterns playing out in future relationships.

You created a life for yourself that is so fulfilling, so enjoyable, it doesn’t even make sense.

You feel so secure in yourself and your relationships. You trust yourself to be okay no matter what.

Past arguments and scenarios no longer sit on replay in your mind.

Fear and emotions no longer control you.

You no longer get caught up in what-ifs, drama, or jealousy.

You feel confident in your relationship skills and know how to create, and keep, a healthy relationship.

“…Lucy has held me through heartbreak, identity shifts, and many big feelings with a consistently devotional presence. Her unconditionally loving nature makes her a true mirror for all of it, thereby empowering me to see my whole self. Through this, I came away knowing that no matter what, I can be okay. This is self-reverence. This is self-trust. This is Lucy’s magic. 

I can’t emphasize enough if you are considering working with her, consider it your heart and soul’s calling and give yourself the magic of working with her!” - Leah F. Client Testimonial

Stop wasting time trying to piecemeal information that may not even apply to you and get coached.

Having me as a coach to look at your life, your mindset, and your patterns will save you time, emotional distress, and money.

You’ll cultivate a life that you want way sooner and get to enjoy it way more.

Not only that, you’ll have a group of people who are going through the same things you are. You get to be surrounded by people who understand, have your back, and celebrate you as you move on.

This isn’t just about getting over your ex and healing. This is about having tools that will last a lifetime.

This is about building a life that no one can take away from you.

This is about knowing that you will be okay no matter what comes your way.

“Lucy is such a gifted coach. She has countless tools and thoughtful, tangible strategies to guide you in any path or situation you may be in. I have felt supported throughout our entire journey, never felt judged, and have been making sizable progress toward my goals. Lucy truly has your back, will hold you accountable, and will help you make life-altering changes that will improve your mindset, outlook, and self-confidence. She truly has a passion for this work, and it shines through in everything she does!” -A.W. Client Testimonial

This is what we are going to create in Date Yourself.

After going through this program your sense of self-trust will deepen and you’ll have the tools to stop spiraling out and start feeling secure in yourself.

You’ll have the ability to no longer let your break-up be the background music of your mind and instead dance towards the relationships and life you want to have.

You’ll have a framework to shift your mindset so that you are no longer dwelling on things you can’t change or fear what may happen.

Your confidence will skyrocket and you’ll know what to do so that your emotions will no longer control you.

“If you want your personal self to change then work with Lucy!! Lucy gives you the tools and support to find the root of what is wrong. Lucy never judges you, she gives you the tools to be who you are and to shine in your own life. Before we started working together I didn't value myself. Now I am being the confident woman God made me to be and I know that I have a purpose in life.”

— Darlene K. Client Testimonial

The Details

Private Coaching
Each month you’ll get the chance to get coached one-on-one with me for 15 minutes. You’ll receive a form beforehand with questions so that we can jump straight into it on our call.

3 x Hour-long Group Coaching Calls A Month
Hour long group coaching calls to answer questions, get coached, and move forward in your breakup journey.

The Date Yourself Program & Workbook

Video lessons breaking down how to get over your ex and heal so that you can begin to move forward. This also includes practices and tools you can use throughout the process.

Access to a private group chat.
A place where you get to connect with your peers in the program, ask questions, and celebrate your wins.

BONUS: For those who sign up before September 27th you get a 45 minute private coaching call with me to get personalized support and kick off the Date Yourself Journey

Join Here!

Monthly Payment Plan
$297 A month for 3 months

Pay In Full
$797 Total

About Your Coach

Hi, I’m Lucy Price, a relationship coach who works with people on:

  • Getting over their exes and moving on

  • Healing from heartbreak & toxic relationships

  • Releasing relationship anxiety

  • Attachment styles

  • Creating healthy relating skills & habits

  • Developing & deepening self-love & confidence

Over the last 3 years, I’ve helped over a hundred people to get over their ex, heal from the heartbreak, and move forward to a life they love.


  • Monday, October 14th.

  • Group Calls:

    Group A -Tuesdays 12-1pm EST

    Group B- Thursdays 5pm-6pm EST

    Once A Month Private Coaching
    Self-scheduled - One Per Month
    Monday 12pm-3pm EST
    Thursday evenings 3-4:30pm & 6:30pm-7:30pm EST

  • Due to the nature of this program and receiving the program material upfront at the start of the program, there are no refunds. However, exchanges may be offered.

  • I fully believe in this program and the ability of these tools and resources to help you. The course element combined with personalized coaching is powerful and fool proof. Ultimately, it is your call. Some questions that could help make the decision are:

    What is the cost of nothing changing?

    Is it true that I don’t have the money or have I never invested in myself before and it feels new?

    How much money am I spending trying to distract myself from my feelings, breakup, or relationships?

    How much time and energy could I save by jumping into this program?