Erin got over her ex, used her new found confidence to solo travel and got her 500 hour yoga certification!
“Firstly, Lucy’s brilliant. I cannot explain how much of a gift she is to the universe: she is a natural at connecting and truly understanding her clients while delivering the skills in such an effective and beautiful way. Lucy is the best coach I could ever ask for. She understands my story and offers an invaluable amount of skills, insight, and wisdom. She has helped me become so much more confident and loving towards myself and I feel like I can offer the world so much more. I had to sign up for another 3 months with her! I would encourage everyone to work with a life coach because these are such valuable skills applicable to all areas of life! It helps you become a better person for yourself and others. Investing in yourself is the best gift you can give yourself. I realized that investing in myself is the best thing I could do, so I went for it and made it a top priority. There is always a way when things are a must.”
— Erin O'Connell
Doug has let go of relationship anxiety and now feels confident and secure in social situations.
“Lucy is the kind of person you feel lucky to know. Not only is she kind and nurturing, but there is also a thoughtfulness to her that makes every interaction special. Few others have made me feel as seen and heard as she has.”
— Doug L.
Aimee got over her ex in 3 months!
“Lucy is such a gifted coach. She has countless tools and thoughtful, tangible strategies to guide you in any path or situation you may be in. I have felt supported throughout our entire journey, never felt judged, and have been making sizable progress toward my goals. Lucy truly has your back, will hold you accountable, and will help you make life-altering changes that will improve your mindset, outlook, and self-confidence. She truly has a passion for this work, and it shines through in everything she does!”
— Aimee
Stephanie is now married!
“Lucy Price is priceless! I can't say enough how her light has been a window to my best self. She creates individual practices that work for you and adjusts them to your needs and comfort level while also providing you with challenges. Her positivity is genuine and she practices what she preaches in order to give her all to her clients. She loves her work and is able to give you a plan and support when you need it. I cannot recommend her enough and I'm so glad I found her!”
— Stephanie W.
Nancy got over her situationship, let go of people pleasing, started prioritizing herself again.
“I decided that I might need some sort of life coaching when I started feeling that my therapist alone wasn’t bringing me to the place I wanted to be. My life and head were in constant turmoil over a particularly confusing relationship and I was having great difficulty in sorting my thoughts and feelings about it. I knew I didn’t want to be the person I was being, but I didn’t know how to stop. I looked at several online coaches, but none of them resonated with me the way Lucy did. I liked her direct way of getting to her point without deadening self-promotion and without a lot of airy-fairying.
I watched several of Lucy’s Facebook postings and participated in that lurking sort of way that I do in her live chats. I then requested a get acquainted call to see how we connected. I felt immediately at ease and understood and listened to; I didn’t feel that she had any particular agenda to sell me or was pressuring me to become one with the cult.
Over the next few months, Lucy helped me figure out what I wanted my life to be and how to help me bring out the woman I knew myself to be but who had oftentimes been buried under the needs of others. (And I will say that since my life is changing, so am I which is how it should be.)
I continued to work with my therapist, but coaching is different. Coaching is insightful like therapy, but truly more of an encouraging supportive experience. It helps you uncover and clarify, peeling back the layers and fears, like therapy, but it helps you see yourself almost from a brilliant best friend's perspective. I know we’ve all heard that “what would you say to your best friend?” thing, but in Lucy’s coaching, it really is that. She is my wise and beautiful friend, and she’s helped me be that to myself.”
Leah got over her ex, moved on with confidence and started her own business!
“Lucy is the most gifted coach I’ve worked with and an all-around extraordinary human. Her presence is magically transformative — I’ve reclaimed my deepest nature and clarified a deep love for myself. She is intuitive, honest and insightful. She is genuine and able to show up for hard contemplations, honoring the depth and breadth of life that I need support with. I hold such deep love for myself from our work together and this is after a lifetime of struggling with self-trust and a limiting self-concept. In the safety of Lucy’s container, I was able to look at things that I never felt capable of seeing before. I was able to deepen into myself and love the pieces I thought were unlovable. She is such a guiding light and it is an honor to work with her.
Lucy has held me through heartbreak, identity shifts and many big feelings with a consistently devotional presence. Her unconditionally loving nature makes her a true mirror for all of it, therein empowering me to see my whole self. Through this, I came away knowing that no matter what, I can be okay. This is self-reverence. This is self-trust. This is Lucy’s magic.
I can’t emphasize enough, if you are considering working with her, consider it your heart and soul’s calling and give yourself the magic of working with her!”
-Leah Fagan
Darlene fell back in love with herself & switched careers in her 50’s!
“If you want your personal self to change then work with Lucy!! Lucy gives you the tools and support to find the root of what is wrong. She speaks what she believes and shows that in her everyday life! Lucy never judges you, she gives you the tools to be who you are and to shine in your own life. Before we started working together I didn't value myself. Now I am being the confident woman God made me to be and I know that I have a purpose in life.”
— Darlene Keller